Social Media Shoutout and an open Invite as an Extra
Get a Social Media Shoutout and be invited as an extra to our shoots.

Become a Part of The Movie Poster
Become photoshopped into a our movie poster.
(Including everything above)

Watch the Movie!
Receive a private link to watch the final product of the Rolling Hills movie.
(Including everything above)

Show off your style
Receive a T-shirt embodying the Rolling Hills Movie.
(Including everything above)

Chill out to the EP of Rolling Hills
Receive an EP of our final music score.
(Including everything above)

Receive a Special Thank You
Receive a special thank you in our credits and an invite to our wrap party.
(Including Everything Above)

Become an Associate Producer
Receive Associate Producer Credits.
(Including Everything Above)

Become a Producer of the Film
Receive Producer Credits
(As well as everything listed above)

Executive Producer Credits
Recieve Executive Producer Credits, along with a private dinner with our crew and eternal gratitude.
(As well as everything listed above)